Gotta Catch Them All

Why is it that a smart phone game had the power to transform the behavior of so many people, seemingly overnight? The Washington Post reports that Pokemon Go led to a “population-level” surge in fitness tracker step counts“! All of a sudden, people are leaving their houses, paying attention to the places around them, and… Continue reading Gotta Catch Them All

Wouldn’t It Be Nice to Have a Boss Who Says “Good Job!” All The Time?

Well… Actually, it wouldn’t. Don’t get me wrong, having your job recognized is what everyone wants, and so do I; but there is a difference between having your efforts recognized and having a boss who says “Good job!” all the time. When your boss recognizes your effort, and acknowledges it, it has a much greater… Continue reading Wouldn’t It Be Nice to Have a Boss Who Says “Good Job!” All The Time?