Why Can’t They Just Do What I Tell Them To Do?
We’ve all had that one case in which we ask someone, usually teachers or parents, to follow a plan and they just don’t do it. It is natural to feel frustrated and a little annoyed when caregivers do not follow our recommendations, after all, we are the ones who hold the certification, and know behavior analysis right? We understand the contingencies maintaining the behaviors, we’ve conducted the FBAs. They’ve hired us. They know we are experts. Why don’t they just follow what we tell them to do? Caregivers like these are what many of us call “non-compliant”. If you know me in real life, you know that is one of the words that make me cringe: compliance.
Compliance is a word that implies control, and authority. It involves one side determining what the other side must do. In behavioral consultation, as in any other healthcare encounter, you want to develop a partnership where both sides are active participants in the treatment. I know I don’t like it when my doctor just tells me what to do. I often think to myself “I know that but how?”. Health care practitioners are often seen, and often perceive themselves, as holders of the truth. They hold the magic wand that will fix whatever is wrong. In reality, no matter how many times a doctor tells me to lose weight unless she is able to engage me, so I can engage in the changes she is suggesting, all will continue the same. In behavior therapy, it is important to engage the stakeholders and make sure they are active participants in any intervention we would like them to carry over. Think about it as “shaping” if you’d like—we meet the caregiver at the point they are, and develop behavior change in partnership.
It is also important to look at the big picture. Caregivers may have very good reasons why they are not following your recommendations. It may interfere with the routine of the other children, they may think it is too complicated or it takes too much time. The procedure may be targeting a behavior for which they don’t see change as important. What are the barriers to following your recommendation? Is the effort too high? Is the reinforcer too small?
In order to establish a partnership with a caregiver, it is important to see their side of the story. It is important to talk to them instead of at them. Just as we make sure to pair ourselves with reinforcers when working with kids, we also need to become reinforcers to the caregivers.
How do you establish a collaboration with those with whom you work? Tell us your stories in the comments! I’d love to hear about them.
Busco acolher os cuidadores e entender as queixas e demandas. Em conjunto é estabelecido pequenas metas para iniciar o processo de treino parental. De uma forma constante e com objetivos claros o acompanhamento parental é interpretado como parceria e não como postura crítica e punitiva.
Estar na posição de falar para os pais: _ei, vamos mudar algumas coisas que vocês veem fazendo já por todo esse período de anos, não é muito bem aceito por eles. Devemos começar devagar, um passo de cada vez. Uma pequena sugestão aqui, outra ali, até que eles sintam confiança no que você está propondo e percebam que é o mais acertivo a ser feito. Mas me coloco sempre no lugar deles e trago dificuldades que passei com a minha própria filha.
O primeiro passo é conhecer o perfil de cada família, entender as necessidades, dificuldades, competências e disponibilidade parental, para então propor objetivos que englobem a participação de seus membros no processo de intervenção. Essa parceria é criada aos poucos e pode acontecer de formas variadas a partir do conhecimento prévio desse perfil familiar. Tendo os pais ou responsáveis como parceiros, ampliamos as oportunidades de aprendizagem e generalização das habilidades importantes para o desenvolvimento da criança. Quando os pais percebem seu papel nesse processo e conseguem realizar o que é esperado deles, passam a se sentir empoderados e são reforçados pelos resultados e evolução dos próprios filhos. Existe reforço mais potente que esse?