ASD & Sleep

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neuro-developmental disorder which affects one in 59 people in the US (CDC, n.d.). People with ASD present with several co-morbid conditions, one of which is sleep disorder. Approximately 40-80% of those diagnosed with ASD suffer from some sleep form of problem (Cohen, Fulcher, Rajaratnam, Conduit, Sullivan, Hilaire, … Lockley, 2017).

Chronic Pain & Autism Spectrum Disorder

Pain is a subjective experience to which only the individual who suffers it has access. While it is understood that pain is the result of neuronal stimulation, when one thinks about the assessment of pain, (s)he does not think about conducting a neurological examination.  Instead, pain is generally assessed by its expression, i.e. complaints of… Continue reading Chronic Pain & Autism Spectrum Disorder

My Child with ASD will Become an Adult with ASD…

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a life long health issue. While with early intervention, some children may improve to the point that they don’t meet criteria for the diagnosis anymore, most people diagnosed with autism will carry the diagnosis for life.  There is a lot of emphasis in treatments for autism during childhood, and not… Continue reading My Child with ASD will Become an Adult with ASD…