I know, I know… I am a behavior analyst and I am probably biased, but keep reading and maybe you will agree with me.
- Behavior analysts are very practical people
Behavior analysts like to do things. Whenever you bring a problem to a behavior analyst she or he will immediately go into “solution mode”. It like little cogs start turning inside our brain and we picture the puzzle pieces spread across the table and we have an urge to solve it. We thrive when we are taking action to solve a problem.
- Behavior analysts understand the environment
We are trained to look at the environment and notice every little detail. What usually goes unnoticed by other people is many times glaring to a behavior analyst. What people like to label “out of the blue”, a behavior analyst knows it is out of the individual’s interaction with the environment.
- Behavior analysts stick to the facts
Behavior analysts won’t try to explain things using labels or inferences. Rather than saying “ I think she wants…” or “he’s doing this because he is manipulative”, a behavior analyst will stick to what can be observed in the environment. Instead, they will say: “I have noticed that every time you bring up this topic this person responds in this particular way.”
- Behavior analysts LOVE data
That is true, we do love data. I have some friends who even think that data is sexy. We love data because only data can tell us if what we are doing is working. So what’s not to love about it?
- Behavior analysts know how to change behavior
That’s what we do. We look at people and the environment, and if there is a need to change behavior, we know what to do. What are organizations if not a group of people behaving? In order to change any outcome in your organization, you will need to change the behaviors that lead to that outcome. You’ll need a behavior analyst. 😉